Latest analysis and reports
Research & analysis

Innovative climate data and state-of-the-art quantitative methods identify the current and future impacts of climate change. This is combined with on-the-ground qualitative research at different scales and from diverse geographies to build up a comprehensive analysis of compound climate and security risks. Access the methodology paper here.

Capacity support tools

Our climate-security risk analysis is used to produce politically and programmatically relevant information and tools that support decision making. Through serious games, detailed forecasting and a replicable assessment methodology, we identify the right questions to ask and how to make use of the available information.

Dialogues & training

We initiate timely, politically pertinent discussions that convene, connect, and bolster the growing community of practice on climate security. Using our analysis to inform the discourse, we support the translation of dialogue to action by developing tailored trainings that support policymakers and implementing partners in integrating climate security risk analysis into strategic and operational processes.

Climate Security on the agenda
  • Oslo Forum
    © Oslo Forum

    Weathering Risk at the Oslo Forum