Weathering Risk Peace Pillar Project: Yemen

As Yemen’s environmental challenges undermine livelihoods and interact with conflict dynamics, they need to be part of the search for peace. We aim to support locally-led and sustainable peace by using the environment as an entry point and key element of dialogue.

Laura Geres, European Institute of Peace



Building on an existing engagement to support inclusive peace and reconciliation in Yemen, the Environmental Pathways for Reconciliation in Yemen (EPfR) project engages with different levels of Yemeni society – from civil society to political actors – to identify and address the impact of Yemen’s environmental crisis on conflict dynamics. The project aims to support the development of locally-led approaches to prevent and resolve environment-related tensions, as well as build resilience against both conflict and climate risks.




Further Resources

  • Explore the project publication here
  • Read the impact story here


Yemen Publication Image
© Nazeh Al-Hrefy


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Contact person

Albert Martínez

For questions about this project, please contact Albert Martínez, Climate and Environmental Peacemaking Programme Manager (  


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