Undercurrents: How conflict, climate change and the environment intersect in Yemen
Undercurrents examines the complex relationship between war, increasing climate-related hazards and environmental degradation in Yemen that are undermining security and driving further conflict, particularly at the local level. Undertaken in collaboration with the European Institute of Peace, the assessment highlights why climate and environmental action must be part of Yemen’s conflict mitigation and peacebuilding processes at different levels.
Undercurrents examines the complex relationship between war, increasing climate-related hazards and environmental degradation in Yemen that are undermining security and driving further conflict, particularly at the local level. Undertaken in collaboration with the European Institute of Peace, the assessment highlights why climate and environmental action must be part of Yemen’s conflict mitigation and peacebuilding processes at different levels.
Voices from Yemen – How environmental dialogues can contribute to resilience and peace
Amid mounting climate- and environmental- risks in Yemen, the European Institute of Peace (EIP) is streamlining climate considerations into local a
Addressing environmental and water challenges unites divided villages in north eastern Kurdistan Iraq
In Iraq, the Berghof Foundation, in collaboration with its partner, Peace Paradigms Organisation (PPO), is addressing disputes over water resources
Bridging divides between IDPs and host communities in Iraq through dialogues on climate change
Severe climate change impacts in Iraq are reshaping its social and economic landscapes.
Climate Security Challenges in Iraq: Entry points for local level dialogue
Iraq has begun to feel the brunt of climate change and an increase in climate-related security risks. This study examines nine districts, exploring the ways in which climate change is contributing to conflict and insecurity in these districts through an analysis of climate security risk pathways.
Iraq has begun to feel the brunt of climate change and an increase in climate-related security risks. This study examines nine districts, exploring the ways in which climate change is contributing to conflict and insecurity in these districts through an analysis of climate security risk pathways.
Environmental Pathways for Reconciliation in Yemen: Consultation Report
Since 2014, the Yemeni people have been experiencing a ravaging civil war which is affecting their lives at the most basic level. Scarcity of water and food insecurity are ubiquitous across the country, along with other environment-related challenges. Yemen´s security and environmental crisis is worsening with climate change, which causes drier seasons and more frequent extreme weather events such as flash floods. Environmental challenges underpin livelihoods, interact with conflict dynamics, and therefore need to be part of the search for peace.
Since 2014, the Yemeni people have been experiencing a ravaging civil war which is affecting their lives at the most basic level. Scarcity of water and food insecurity are ubiquitous across the country, along with other environment-related challenges. Yemen´s security and environmental crisis is worsening with climate change, which causes drier seasons and more frequent extreme weather events such as flash floods. Environmental challenges underpin livelihoods, interact with conflict dynamics, and therefore need to be part of the search for peace.
Integrating Climate Security into Policies: Roadmap for Somalia
This roadmap outlines the urgent challenges and strategic directions necessary for integrating climate security into Somalia's policy landscape. It proposes actions for Somali authorities and their international partners to ensure Somalia can access essential resources to address climate-related security challenges and achieve policy goals.
This roadmap outlines the urgent challenges and strategic directions necessary for integrating climate security into Somalia's policy landscape. It proposes actions for Somali authorities and their international partners to ensure Somalia can access essential resources to address climate-related security challenges and achieve policy goals.
Integrating Climate Security into Policies: Roadmap for Iraq
This roadmap identifies the urgent challenges and strategic directions necessary for integrating climate security into Iraq's policy landscape. It proposes actions for Iraqi authorities and their international partners to ensure Iraq accesses essential resources to address climate-related security challenges and achieve policy goals.
This roadmap identifies the urgent challenges and strategic directions necessary for integrating climate security into Iraq's policy landscape. It proposes actions for Iraqi authorities and their international partners to ensure Iraq accesses essential resources to address climate-related security challenges and achieve policy goals.
Integrating Climate Security into Policies: Roadmap for Yemen
This roadmap outlines some of the critical challenges Yemen faces in integrating climate security into its policy, suggesting a course of action for the short, medium, and long term. Recommendations are also proposed for the donor community to ensure Yemen receives the necessary resources to combat pressing climate-related security challenges and realise policy ambitions.
This roadmap outlines some of the critical challenges Yemen faces in integrating climate security into its policy, suggesting a course of action for the short, medium, and long term. Recommendations are also proposed for the donor community to ensure Yemen receives the necessary resources to combat pressing climate-related security challenges and realise policy ambitions.
Integrating Climate Security into Policies: Roadmap for Jordan
This case study identified key challenges Jordan faces in better mainstreaming climate security into its policy framework. Several tools to support decision makers in Jordan and international partners better integrate climate security considerations within Jordan's policy mix are also presented.
This case study identified key challenges Jordan faces in better mainstreaming climate security into its policy framework. Several tools to support decision makers in Jordan and international partners better integrate climate security considerations within Jordan's policy mix are also presented.