Integrating Climate Security into Policies: Roadmap for Jordan

Similar to many countries in the Middle East, Jordan is particularly susceptible to climate change and its risks to peace and human security. Jordan is and has been experiencing the effects of climate change, including rising temperatures, shifting rainfall and increased extreme weather events, such as drought. Climate change will worsen these effects. The confluence of these factors will continue to affect water scarcity, with severe implications for human security -including food, livelihood and health security.
This study presents key challenges that are hindering efforts and suggests a series of time delineated steps that decision makers can take to begin addressing them. The scale of these challenges requires a robust institutional response that not only identifies key climate and security linkages -but also includes policies to combat it. While Jordan is a regional trailblazer in articulating these linkages and is building a policy framework that is "fit for purpose", challenges still exist.
The development of this study was enabled by Weathering Risk and is one of four (forthcoming) that build off research undertaken within the framework of the year-long project that adelphi jointly implemented with CGIAR as part of the 'SDG-Climate Facility: Climate Action for Human Security' in the MENA region.
For a summary of the SDG-Climate Facility: Climate Action for Human Security project and an overview of its methodology, findings and recommendations, read Climate, Peace and Security Programming in the Arab States: Considerations for integrated programming in Jordan, Yemen, Iraq and Somalia.
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