Climate, Peace and Stability: Weathering Risk Through COP and Beyond

This high-level side event at COP26 set out an evidence-based, coherent narrative on climate, peace and stability. Hosted by Germany, adelphi and the Munich Security Conference, with Luxembourg, Nauru, and the United Arab Emirates, the event aimed to build on multilateral momentum to establish leadership and guiding principles for climate action which can advance peace and stability.
This high-level side event at COP26 set out an evidence-based, coherent narrative on climate, peace and stability. Hosted by Germany, adelphi and the Munich Security Conference, with Luxembourg, Nauru, and the United Arab Emirates, the event aimed to build on multilateral momentum to establish leadership and guiding principles for climate action which can advance peace and stability.

Why tackling climate change is vital to peace

The relationship between climate change, peace and security has implications across the sustainable development agenda. An Economist Intelligence Unit infographic for Weathering Risk.
The relationship between climate change, peace and security has implications across the sustainable development agenda. An Economist Intelligence Unit infographic for Weathering Risk.

The Weathering Risk methodology

The Weathering Risk project uses an innovative methodology that unpacks the complex relationship between climate change and insecurity and identifies entry points for action.
The Weathering Risk project uses an innovative methodology that unpacks the complex relationship between climate change and insecurity and identifies entry points for action.
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