Geneva Peace Week Podcast Series

PIK (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) and UNEP partook in the Geneva Peace Week Podcast on: 'Assessing the risks of climate change related conflict': How to improve approaches for and strengthen collaboration within the field of climate security modelling?
Listen back to the podcast here.
The availability of high quality and innovative data as well as the computational capacity to analyse them are growing. These advances have a potential to improve our understanding of the complex,context-specific impacts of climatic and environmental events. They could provide a vital basis for anticipatory action to reduce and avoid current and future security risks in a changing climate. Several data-driven approaches to analyse the interlinked climate and environmental change and security risks are currently being developed.
The podcast, which consist of two episodes, brought together representatives of three prominent initiatives that use state of the art climate security modelling to support policy making and programming for peacebuilding operations: Weathering Risk, STRATA - The Earth Stress Monitor, and Tools for climate change and fragility, conflict and violence (FCV). All three initiatives are aiming at a better understanding of the complex climate-security risks in order to provide entry points for action to prevent the escalation of climate related conflicts and promote sustainable peace. Importantly, the initiatives were not only introduced, but their comprehensiveness and suitability together was also discussed with practitioners from the ground.
In the first episode, the Weathering Risk initiative is introduced by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and adelphi, and STRATA – the Earth Stress monitor is introduced by the UN Environment Programme. The second episode introduces the listeners to the World Bank’s initiative Tools for climate change and fragility, conflict and violence (FCV) from the World Bank, before elaborating on the opportunities and challenges of the initiatives and climate security modelling in more general terms in a joint discussion.
The first Episode was with: Barbora Sedova, Marie Schellens, Ifrah Hassan Farah, Issa Lele, Francis Eitomhen.
The second Episode was with: Barbora Sedova, Marie Schellens, Corey Pattison.
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